Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I did stuff.

Today was... productive and... enjoyable.

I started the day off with a 10am SAG-AFTRA member orientation meeting. I almost didn't go because I didn't want to wake up, but I made myself get up. The meeting was 3 hours long. I learned a lot and I got a pin... that I(literally) kissed when I got home.

After the meeting, I met an old bowling teammate/friend, Adam, at Swingers on Beverly. (It's a cafe)
He listened to my problems, and gave me some great advice. I value him in so many ways. He, too, is in "the biz" and knows the ups and downs.

After lunch, I took a GST fitness class. What is that? well, it had a lot to do with springs on a wall and Enya music... I freakin loved it! It was relaxing. I'll definitely go back.

After the class, I walked to Samuel French(a theater/film book store) and bought $50 worth of materials:
-agency mailing labels
-Backstage Callsheet book
-"The Steal Like An Artist Journal"(It makes you do creative writing.  I thought it might jumpstart my brain.)

After the book store, I walked to the Fedex store and bought $40 worth of shit:
-2 packs of printer paper
-a gel pen
-a notebook
-transparent sleeves for headshot mailing

After that, I walked home. I then did a load of laundry. I sorted my agency labels from over the years. I took a shower!

Then I went to Gracias Madre(fancy vegan place) for Dine LA with Jason, Shannon, Erika, and Danielle(some co workers whom I've been friends with for 5 years)

I surrounded myself with good vibes/people all day and it was nice.

Right now, I fought of the urge to grab drinks with Erika and instead work on my acting materials.

Tomorrow I have a Pure Barre class at 9am, then work, then bowling league. I hope I can keep up this momentum.


  1. Wow, way to be productive. I have such a hard time motivating myself to do things when there isn't a set deadline. You seem like you're taking the bull by the horns. Good for you. I love ya Nik! ~Josh

  2. one step? looks like you took quite a few today.
    moving forward.
    wonderful. really happy to read this babes.
    face forward and only glance back once in a long while.
    i love you so much.
    wish i could give you a hug.
    i love you so much.

  3. Why did you stop writing these? It's really nice to see something other than people getting engaged and having beautiful weddings and fat little babies. My friend forwarded this to me and it made me want to put my head in the oven 10% less today. More please.
